Second Sunday of Lent

Dear friends in Christ

To encounter Christ is to encounter ourselves. That is, not as we are, but as we are to become. Jesus, in revealing His glory, reveals also the glory that is to be ours. The apostles, privileged to witness the Transfiguration, certainly knew Jesus better as a result. The human veil over His divinity was for a moment lifted and they beheld his heavenly splendour. They also beheld the upward call of every Christian. Saint Augustine says that the transfigured Christ reveals what His body is to become. We are to be transfigured as well. The purpose of everything in our faith—of all doctrines and sacraments—is to make us glow more and more brightly. To encounter Christ is to encounter ourselves. When we behold His glory, we learn our lofty calling and goal. When we listen to His words, we learn the path to such glory.

Please keep in your prayers those who are preparing for the Sacraments during this Lenten season: the thirty young adults who will begin preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday. The fifty children preparing for their First Confession and First Holy Communion. The nine members of the Parish Family who were presented to the Bishop last Sunday in our Cathedral for the Easter Sacraments of Initiation. May Christ and His Blessed Mother enfold them in their divine love! And may God bless all of you!

Msgr Kevin Hale