Pentecost Sunday

Dear friends in Christ

It was at Pentecost when it all began for the Church! Having prayed together since the Ascension of Jesus for help, the Holy Spirit—the Great Helper—was sent; and with what power and effect! The Holy Spirit turned those timid disciples of Jesus into the most ardent Apostles. How else can we account for the transformation that took place within them, seeing that just days before they were cowering in fear. Now, so empowered and fortified they went around the known world proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and God. This they did even to the point of dying for the Truth of the Gospel. We are supposed to look to them today—models of faith—and, inspired by their courage, live our Catholic Faith with similar conviction.

Those who will be Confirmed this weekend—in our Parish and throughout the Church—will be given the same mandate given to those Apostles. The Holy Spirit will descend, mysteriously but really, albeit without the tongues of fire, into the souls of those young adults. This is the start of their great adventure in and for Jesus Christ and His Church. So we pray for them, their Sponsors and all who have led them to this moment whereby Baptism is revivified and a new impetus given them to live in Jesus Christ.

Those Apostles, gathered around Mary in prayer on this Day, is the perennial model of the Church. May this Pentecost be, once more, a renewal of grace for the Church, and a fresh outpouring of His gifts. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your Faithful!

With every blessing on this birthday of our Holy Mother, the Church!

Msgr Kevin Hale