The Most Holy Trinity

Dear friends in Christ

The central truth of the Christian Faith is that God is a Trinity of Persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And each of these Three Persons are God and equal to each other in power and majesty. Whenever we pray to each of them, we are praying to God. Some of the earliest misconceptions about the nature of God occurred in the earliest centuries of the Church, especially in relation to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is Christ, who reveals to us in all its fullness, the inner workings of the Trinitarian mystery and calls us to participate in it. No one knows the father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. It is He who speaks to us of the coexistence of the Holy Spirit with the Father, and who sent Him into the Church to sanctify it until the end of time; and it is He who reveals to us the perfect oneness of life of the Three Divine Persons. The mystery of the Trinity is the starting point of all revealed truth, the fountain from which proceeds supernatural life, and the goal to which we are headed: we are children of the Father, brethren and co-heirs of the son, and continually sanctified by the Holy Spirit to make us ever more resemble Christ; accordingly, we deepen in the understanding of our divine Sonship, and become living temples of the Blessed Trinity. The entire life of the Church, especially in her sacramental signs and mysteries, is an immersion in the life of the Three Divine Persons. As the Preface of the Mass for Trinity Sunday proclaims: For with your Only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit  you are one God, one Lord: not in the unity of a single person, but in a Trinity of one substance. For what you have revealed to us of your glory we believe equally of your Son and of the Holy Spiritt….

Next weekend we shall celebrate the mystery of the Blessed Eucharist—of the Body and Blood of Christ—which is perhaps the way in which the life of God is best made real and concrete for us: Jesus has become the food for our life on earth, the nourishment for our pilgrimage to the homeland of Heaven. Traditionally, we celebrate Corpus Christi by Eucharistic devotions outside of the Mass: Holy Hours, Benediction and Processions. Our Blessed Sacrament Procession begins in the church here next Sunday at 4pm. I ask ALL of our First Communion children to take part in this, together with all of the Parish so that we can celebrate as the Family of Jesus, the first and greatest of all the mysteries of our holy religion!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale