Father Jean-Claude Selvini

This week Father Jean-Claude Selvini will celebrate his Silver Jubilee of Ordination as a Catholic Priest. He will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday at 12 noon, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will be followed by a gathering in the Parish Centre (no 10am Mass on Saturday). This anniversary is an opportunity for all of us to give thanks to God for the gift of the Priesthood in the Church, by which we can continue to encounter Jesus Christ sacramentally. In particular, we give thanks for the years of ministry of Father Jean-Claude who has served as Assistant Priest in Upminster and then Parish Priest of Hainault for twenty years before his retirement to Leigh almost three years ago. I am most especially grateful for his presence in the Parish and for all the help and support he gives me personally, in particular his ministry with the sick and housebound; this has made life much easier for me with the increase of Diocesan commitments. May God bless him and give him a long and fruitful ministry among us—ad multos annos! Fr Kevin