Dear friends in Christ

The two Princes of the Apostles—Peter and Paul—dominate our church building on the inside and out. Inside they face one another across the Sanctuary and outside they look out from the church tower: Peter gazing South towards Rome and Paul looks to the East. They each hold the symbol that represents their life and struggles: Peter holds the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; Paul holds a book. Both were martyred in Rome for their discipleship of Jesus Christ: Peter crucified upside down in the Circus of Caligula (now the Piazza in front of St Peter’s Basilica) and Paul beheaded outside the City in a place named Tre Fontane, since according to legend where his head rolled, three springs appeared. We look to each of them this weekend for prayers and example. St Peter inspires us to be strong in the Faith he professed in Jesus Christ: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God and St Paul reminds us of the necessity of bringing our Faith to others, as he did as the first missionary.

Last Sunday during the Mass of Thanksgiving for my Fortieth Anniversary of Ordination, our Bishop reminded us that sufferings and struggles are part-and-parcel of Christian discipleship. The Apostles inspire us in this mission so that like them, we never give-up or give-in to the siren voices that would deflect us from being with Jesus. As I give thanks for the years of my Priestly life, I whole-heartedly thank all of you—my people and friends—who have sustained me on this path; I elaborated enough on this in the Newsletter last weekend. I now have to thank you for giving me a most memorable celebration last weekend. I was able to offer Holy Mass on Sunday for An Increase in Vocations to the Priesthood followed by a lovely Reception. On Monday evening, over forty Priests of our Diocese gathered in the church to pray and sing Vespers and Benediction on the Nativity of St John the Baptist followed by a supper together in the Gilbert Room. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many of you—too many to thank individually—for such kind greetings, gifts and most of all, your prayers. I often tell my friends that I must have the best Parish in the Western Church! May God reward you all and may we go forward together in the Heart of Jesus and encouraged by Mary’s prayers!

Msgr Kevin Hale