Burials in the Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden was created for the burial of the Ashes of Parishioners. This can be requested at any time and the burial done at a time convenient to families.

Each tile in the Garden is a plot. They are numbered for easy reference but not engraved with names. The names of those buried there are recorded in the Burial Register of the Parish and displayed in the Memorial Book which is in the wooden case near the door to the Sacristy.

We ask families not to put memorials in the Garden to prevent it from becoming cluttered but encourage flowers and plants to be placed there.

The cost of the work to prepare and secure each grave is one hundred and fifty pounds. We also ask that a donation to the Parish be made for the plot.

The Memorial Garden is situated close to the North side of the church so that our Faithful Departed may be close by where the Mass is daily celebrated, for the living and the dead, and so that they are close to us in their final resting place.

Over the Altar there is the statue of Christ The Good Shepherd based on an image found in the Roman Catacombs dating from the end of the third century. It was used by the early Church to symbolise the rest that the soul of the departed finds in eternal life.

The front of the Altar bears the Greek Cross and cipher in mosaic:

IC XC NI KAJesus Christ Conquers!