Dear friends in Christ
May I begin this first message of 2025 wishing you all every health, peace and blessing for the New Year!
The Epiphany of Jesus that we celebrate this weekend is a call to make Christ better known in our world. The revelation of Jesus to the world was first brought about by the visit of the Magi. Through those ancient figures, we are called to manifest Christ to the nations. Overcoming every obstacle of the journey they made to Bethlehem, the Wise Men show us how to persevere in our seeking Jesus in our lives. In fact, the whole of the Christian vocation can be summarised as: searching for Jesus, finding Jesus and loving Jesus.
During this Jubilee Year which began on Christmas day—inaugurated by Pope Francis in Rome—we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope. This is the theme for the forthcoming year. Our world stands in great need of the hope that Christ brings. In a world so torn apart by wars and conflicts, economic and social strife and moral dysfunction, we are called to be a sign of hope to mankind; called to be sowers of the Truth. We can do this every day by living in such a manner that we let others know that this is a passing world, that there is no definite happiness here, and that we can only have true fulfilment if we put Jesus Christ at the centre of everything.
May the example of the Magi on this Little Christmas fill our lives with hope. May the radiance of Christ’s presence on earth fill our hearts and minds with His glory.
May God bless you!
Msgr kevin Hale