"Christ is always present in his word since it is he himself who speaks when the holy scriptures are read in the Church" [Second Vatican Council]. With the new Lectionary being a fresh chance to hear Christ speaking to us, bringing us together with others, now could be an opportunity to use your talents to read at Mass?
Readers at weekend Masses generally read in pairs every 4 or 5 weeks, and are only rostered to read at the Mass they normally attend. Rotas are flexible so you can always swap if something comes up and you are unable to read on a weekend. The opportunity to read is available to both children and adults. Training / practice are available if you've not read before or are returning to reading.
If you're interested, please contact Jackie Sullens (j.sullens@btinternet.com) who'll be happy to explain what's involved and to arrange some practice so you can consider further whether you'd like to join our group of readers. Thank you.