Dear friends in Christ
Every six years we have the opportunity to celebrate the Presentation of Our Lord on a Sunday. This feast celebrates two mysteries in the life of our Saviour: the moment Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the Temple and the Purification of Our Lady. The Mosaic Law prescribes not only the offering up of the first-born male, but also the purification of the mother. This is the celebrated moment when the prophet Simeon takes the Child Jesus in his arms and pronounces the prayer we call the Nunc Dimittis…Now Lord, you can let your servant depart in peace…for my eyes have seen your salvation. This prayer is sung or recited every single night throughout the Church as it forms part of the Office of Compline, or Night Prayer. Mary could have protested the need for her purification, since she was the most pure of all human creatures. Nevertheless, as in so many other instances, Mary chose to act like any other Jewish woman of the time. This is a feast of the Lord, and also Mary’s feast. She carries the Child in her arms. He, even, in her hands, is the light of our souls, the light that illumines the darkness of knowledge and of human existence, of the intellect and heart. The thoughts of so many hearts are revealed when her mother’s hands carry this great divine Light, when they bring it closer to man (Homily of Pope Saint John Paul II, 2.II.'79).
Next weekend we are welcoming Fr Dominic O’Toole of the Redemptorists—Congregation of The Most Holy Redeemer—who will speak at the Masses about our forthcoming Parish Mission this Lent: 15th–21st March. Fr Dominic works in Vienna as Chaplain to our expat community and is from this area. Over these weeks of preparation we are praying street-bystreet-for all those who live in our Town and Parish. The hope is that this prayer of intercession will touch the hearts of those who do not know Christ, and those who have grown lukewarm in their discipleship, to come closer to Him and experience the effects of Christ’s redeeming love.
This Jubilee Year of Hope and the centenary of our church building co-incide, which is an excellent opportunity to earnestly ask God for a renewal of the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place. You might like to take a moment to view the excellent little display at the back of church which records this joint celebration.
May God bless us all!
Msgr Kevin Hale