Dear friends in Christ
Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold...we pray in the Entrance Antiphon of the Mass this Sunday. God is our refuge and strength in the midst of all the weaknesses we find in ourselves and in the troubles of the world around us. He is our firm support at all times, at any age and in any situation. The Christian has their hope in Christ, because we know God understands us. This is the underlying theme and prayer of this Jubilee Year: hope does not disappoint. But it is not a vain hope, but one which gives substance to faith. We hope because we believe. We believe that God will provide all that we need in this life on earth, and give us eternal life one day. Everything is directed to this reality.
Soon it will be Lent! In the traditional calendar of the Church this is Septuagesima Sunday—seventy days until Easter. So it isn't too early to start thinking about Lent, otherwise it may creep up on us before we know it! Central to our Lent this year will be the Parish Mission and we are grateful to Father Dominic O’Toole of the Redemptorist Order for being with us last weekend in an attempt to prepare us for those days from 15th—21st March, the second week of Lent. At the back of church you will find leaflets advertising the Mission and with details of the Mission Services. Please take some of these and give them to any of your neighbours whom you think might like to know about the Mission; there may be family members or friends who could benefit from the spiritual input of these days of grace. Above all, pray that many graces may be obtained during the Mission for all of us, and especially those who have become lukewarm or estranged from Jesus Christ.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale