Dear friends in Christ
This Sunday of the liturgical year gives us the image of Christ the Universal King reigning from the Cross. This feast of His Kingship is a summation of all of the mysteries of the life of Our Lord that we have elevated since the start of Advent last year; it also brings with it the conclusion of this Jubilee Year of Mercy and we thank God for all of the graces that the Church has received as a result of it.
We end the liturgical year, as is the custom in our Parish, with the Solemn Days of Eucharistic Adoration which begins on Thursday evening and concludes with Benediction on Saturday, the eve of Advent. I ask you to be generous in the time you give to visiting Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during these three days and I would ask that each Parish Group is represented by covering the Watching times which are given on the lists for you to sign-up to at the back of church. Candles which will burn – and be used also throughout the year as the sanctuary lamp – can be had from the Sacristy for five pounds. This is, as always, a time of special grace for the Parish Family as we bring all of our prayers of praise, adoration, thanksgiving, petition and reparation to the throne of Christ our King.
The week will see the launch of a new updated version of the Parish website. I hope you will enjoy the fresher, more contemporary feel of the website; please do give us any feedback which you think would be helpful. God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale