Would you like to help our children enjoy the familiar Bible stories? The Children’s Liturgy team have a rota of volunteers, but are looking for new recruits.
It involves taking one of the three age-groups (aged 4-5, 6-7 and 8-9) about twice per term, during 9.30am Mass. There are printed materials to give you ideas on how to present each week’s readings to the children. You might prefer to team up with a friend, or to support one of the existing volunteers. If you are interested, please phone Carol Carlile on 07845 879625, or come into the hall before Mass where you will find us setting up. A reminder for parents of the youngest children. Children’s Liturgy is for children aged 4 and over. We can’t take 2 and 3 year olds, even if they are at pre-school, and your children need to be confident enough to come out with the group unaccompanied. We use the small Newman room for the age 4-5 group, which is quiet and secure, but really does not have the space for parents and younger siblings. Thank you.