Parish Christmas Bazaar - Saturday 5th December

Only one week to go to our annual Christmas Bazaar here at Our Lady of Lourdes. A very big thank you to all who have donated gifts or purchased Grand Prize Draw tickets.  If you have tickets please ensure you have returned any counterfoils and payment to church office (there are still tickets available at the back of church). If you have any last minute donations, we can still accept these, until the 4th December; bottles should be given in to the office and not left at back of church; any cake donations should be dropped off to Parish Centre on Friday 4th or morning of 5th December. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this annual Parish family event. Please come along with your family and friends to enjoy coffee and cake, lunches and all our usual fabulous stalls to help raise as much as we can for Christian Syrian Refugees, whilst hopefully having an enjoyable time! Thank you once again for your support.