Dear friends in Christ
Each year on this particular Sunday in Lent we are read the Gospel account of Jesus’ Transfiguration on Mount Tabor; why? To reassure us, as the Fathers of the Church tell us, that the scandal of the Cross leads to the glory of the Resurrection, in the life of Jesus and in our own lives too. The Cross comes in many forms in the course of life: sickness, broken relationships, misunderstandings…Lent is the moment when we can stand-back and look at our lives under the magnification of God’s grace. In this Year of Mercy, Christ, through His Church, wishes us to rediscover the joy of living united to the Cross. We all have our individual pain and cross; Lent encourages us to bear it with joyful patience.
Last week many of you came to Brentwood Cathedral for the Installation of the New Canons; we all thank you for your prayerful support and ask that you continue to pray for the needs of the Diocese at this time as, together we discern how we can best make provision for our future needs. If you would like to view some of the images of the Mass of Installation which took place on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes last week, then simply click on this link:
May God bless you all! Msgr Kevin Hale