Dear friends in Christ
The Gospel for this Sunday places before us the familiar scene of the Wedding at Cana. St John makes it sound as though Jesus was there because His Mother had been invited. It was quite normal for the women who knew the family to help in the preparations. This was the context for Mary noticing that they were in need of more wine! It looks at first as if Jesus is going to refuse the request His mother makes. But Mary, who knows the Heart of her Son so well, behaves as though he has acceded to her request immediately: Do whatever He tells you, she says to the servants. St John Paul II in a Homily at Pompeii in 1979 comments:
Why do Mary’s prayers have such efficacy before God? The prayers of saints are the prayers of servants: whereas those of Mary are the prayers of a Mother, whence they receive their efficacy and authoritative character. As Jesus’ love for His Mother is limitless she cannot ask for anything without being heard… nobody asked the Blessed Virgin to intercede with her Son on the distressed couples behalf. Above all, Mary’s heart, which never fails to have pity on the unfortunate… impelled her to take upon herself the task of intercessor and beg her Son for the miracle: even though nobody had asked her to… if Our Lady acted thus without being asked, how would it have been if they had asked?
This miracle of Jesus shows the power of praying with and through the Saints, especially of Mary, and encourages us to make our prayer both daring and full of confidence. God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale