Dear friends in Christ
I wish you all every grace and peace for this New Year!
The Epiphany of Our Lord is celebrated this weekend and it teaches us two important truths: that we can worship God face-to-face in Christ, like the Magi, and that from this encounter with Christ, we have to mirror His face to others. In the words of Pope Francis - for this Year of Mercy - we have to be the merciful face of God.
Thank you for all your Christmas greetings: the prayers, Masses offered, cards and gifts, and especially for the generous Christmas offerings. Our celebration of Christmas is made possible by so many who work - seen and unseen - for the good of the Parish. So many of you are involved in the liturgical and practical details of our Parish celebrations; I am deeply grateful, as ever, for the spirit of collaboration that exists between all of us members of the Parish Family. I deeply value this work and practical support that you all give. May God bless you all abundantly in this coming year as we place our trust in Him.
Msgr Kevin Hale