Dear friends in Christ
The summation and celebration of the Christian religion comes each year in the feast we celebrate this weekend: The Most Blessed Trinity. If it is difficult to speak about any of the mysteries of our holy Faith, then to say anything about the mystery of the inner nature and life of God is folly. What we are asked to reflect on with this feast each year is: how God exists as an intimate relationship of Persons and how through the life of the Church we are drawn into that family life. Through the Sacraments – especially the Eucharistic Sacrifice – we experience on earth something of the life that we hope one day to experience fully in Heaven. In the Mass, Jesus Christ offers Himself sacrificially to the Father (Priest and Victim) through the action of the Holy Spirit. Though Him, with Him and in Him… as we pray at the conclusion of the Canon of the Mass.
Next weekend the Church celebrates Corpus Christ, the feast of the presence of God Himself in our midst. The Mass, and the Procession that celebrates this feast each year, is the one act of adoration to the Godhead that expresses above all what is most dear to us as Catholics. I am sure you will all make a special effort to be present at the Procession next Sunday which is always a beautiful expression of Catholic Faith in the Blessed Sacrament. As usual, our First Communion children lead the procession, accompanied by the Tilbury Brass Band and this is followed by a Tea in the Parish Centre. God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale