Dear friends in Christ
This week the Gospel relates the unsettling account of the meeting of Jesus with the rich young man, and his sad response to what Our Lord is offering. The question remains the same for us: is there anything that stands between us and our following of Christ? Have we said ‘yes’ to Jesus whilst not giving Him our all? That is the crux of what Jesus is asking.
This weekend we welcome back to the Parish Nicholas Khadar from the Bethlehem Olive Wood Group who will be selling devotional items in the Parish Centre after the Masses. These were enormously popular when we had them several years ago and by our purchases we are helping the persecuted Christians in the Holy Land who are finding it harder and harder to survive physically and financially. I encourage you to support them.
Mr Nicholas Hinde has written to express his gratitude on behalf of Survive-Miva for the very generous response to the Mission Appeal he made last weekend. You will see the total amount in the Newsletter next weekend as there are still donations coming-in. On the subject of help for our suffering brothers and sisters in the Faith, the proceeds of this Decembers Parish Bazaar will be sent to help relieve Christian Syrian Refugees. God bless you for your continued generous charitable giving.
You will be able to read elsewhere in this Newsletter of the very good news that our Parish Centre has been awarded the 2015 Design Award by the Borough Council. Well done to everyone involved!
Msgr Kevin Hale