Dear friends in Christ
We have all become accustomed to seeing the unbelievable efforts people put into improving their lifestyle or standard of living. At times we may be taken aback by the lengths people will go to acquire wealth, power and fame. The media frequently puts the spotlight on ambitious people and their accomplishments. We Christians must put the same amount of zeal into the service of God. This is the essence of what the liturgical readings at Mass this Sunday teach.The Gospel of the unjust steward is an example of this.
St Augustine asks: Why did the Lord propose this parable? Not because that servant was a model for us to imitate. Nonetheless, the worldly-wise steward had an eye to the future. So too should the Christian have this determination to secure his eternal reward. If not, the steward puts him to shame. The Master praised the quick-wittedness, the decisiveness, the shrewdness, the firm resolve of the steward who made the most of a difficult situation. He did not give in to discouragement.
Last weekend I spoke about a recent Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education to Parents, Teachers and Governors which I had collaborated-on with our Primary School. I hope that many of you will have had the opportunity to read it, especially our families, and all who have a concern for our Catholic Education system and in particular Our Lady of Lourdes School. It can be read on the Parish and School websites via the link.
Thank you for the generous response to the Appeal last weekend which the Society of St Vincent de Paul made. Be assured that their funds are constantly being put to good use through the practical works of charity they undertake on behalf of the Parish Family. May God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale