Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings of Year B
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 4

Saturday 24
St Bartholomew, Ap
5.30pm Vigil Kathleen & Peter Sheridan, RIP (AMcN)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 25 August
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Eugene & James Renehan, RIP (Anniv) (MH)
9.30am Mass Margaret Owens, RIP (Anniv) (SO)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 26
Bl Dominic of the Mother of God, Pr
10am Mass Basil Emmerson, RIP (Anniv) (AE)

Tuesday 27
St Monica
9am Mass Intentions of Andy & Catherine Harris (30th Wedding Anniv) (CH)

Wednesday 28
St Augustine, Bp, D
9am Mass Margaret Canty-Randall, RIP (Anniv) (CB)

Thursday 29
The Passion of St John the Baptist
9am Mass Marian Payne, RIP (VP)

Friday 30
Ss Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line & Margaret Ward,Mm
9.30am Requiem Mass Mary Henderson, RIP

Saturday 31
St Aidan, Bp and Saints of Lindisfarne
10am Mass Valerie & Ian Spacie's 60th Wedding Anniv (VS)
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

5.30pm Vigil The People of the Parish
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 1 September
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass John Jarvis, RIP (Anniv) (VJ)
9.30am Mass Ann Jurico, RIP (SB)
11.30am Mass John & Pat Moon, RIP (SM)
4pm Mass Helen Hiscock, RIP
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

We Pray for the Dead on their Anniversaries

Fr Bernard Collins, Canon John Sloane, Fr Colin Watling, Col Ernest G Petter, Bernard Squires, John Lowndes, Louise Newman, Veronica Maguire, Margaret Owens, Alan Tate, Mary Francis (Molly) Horn, Basil Emerson, Stella Stanley, William Pearson, Peter James Scott, Kathleen Shanahan, Charles Capon, Nellie Ainsley, Marjorie Clarke, Sheila King, Marian Payne, Vivien Payne, Martin Payne, Vera Goldman, Margaret Knight, Anton Byczynski, Campbell Coe, Gladys Robson, Doris Bree & Catherine Marriott.

We pray for our sick

The Sick List is available on the website main menu, under Worship.

We pray for the sick of our parish

by the power of your Spirit
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
— Roman Missal: For relatives and friends

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

MARY HENDERSON, RIP who died in Ireland last month. Her Requiem Mass will take place on Friday, 30th August at 9.30am followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

ROBERT DRESNER, RIP who died on Monday, 5th August. His Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday, 5th September at 11am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

GY RAMPERSAUD, RIP who died on Tuesday, 6th August. His Funeral service will take place on Wednesday, 11th September at 1pm followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

Requiescant in pace

Sea of Voices Summer Concert

Our parish community choir has been working on holding a late Summer concert at the Parish Centre. This will be held on Sunday 29th September from 3pm with funds raised going to a charity (to be announced). We also plan to have some form of buffet and refreshments included in the price. Tickets will be available soon with further details.

The choir is on its Summer break currently but returns to rehearsals on Thursday 29th August from 7.45pm. Contact Darrell 07825686249 for details.


This begins on Monday, 23rd September and is specifically for those who are not Catholics but who are enquiring with a view to finding out more about the Catholic Faith and Reception into the Church. These evenings begin at 8pm, are held in the Newman Room of the Parish Centre (the door is beside the Memorial Garden) and usually last just over an hour. Names may be given in advance to Fr Kevin or the Parish Office.


The Repository will re-open next weekend 31st August/1st September, after our summer break.

We have cards for all those special occasions so please browse and come early to avoid disappointment. One of the volunteers will be happy to help if you do not see what you are looking for. We also have a selection of Statues and Rosaries, plus a few new books for children.

Please note that the Repository is open after all Masses at the weekends.

Homeless Shelter

At this moment the details are a little sketchy, but we have been asked if we would be able to put a team of volunteers together to run a homeless shelter this coming winter. The shelter is likely to run from December through to the end of March 2025. The shelter will be central and not at the Sacred Heart Church. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish office by email in the first instance to record your interest.

As more information becomes available, we will of course share. Thank you.

March for Life UK - Saturday 7th September

Morning Events: 10.00am-1.00pm The Emmanuel Centre, SW1P 3DW

In the morning of March for Life we will be hosting a ‘Pro-life Health Summit’ 10.30-12.30 in The Emmanuel Centre where a variety of healthcare specialists will be looking in greater detail at our theme ‘Abortion isn’t Healthcare’.

Mass: 11.00am St George’s Cathedral, Southwark

The March: 1.30pm From The Emmanuel Centre

Ends at Parliament Square 4.30pm.

Contact: Isabel 07773 501721 or Ben 07885 505116 or

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings of Year B
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 3

Saturday 17
Saturday Memorial of the BVM
5.30pm Vigil Michael Lockey, RIP (IO’G)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 18 August
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Intentions of Don Craig & Richard Poole (AC&MP)
9.30am Mass Fred & Doreen Wall, RIP (K&LW)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 19
St John Eudes, Pr
9am Mass Canon Vincent Hurley, RIP & Fr Andrew Hurley, RIP (Anniv) (JH)
11am Funeral Service Tony Downey, RIP

Tuesday 20
St Bernard, Ab, D
9am Mass Doug Garrett, RIP (JH)

Wednesday 21
St Pius X, P
9am Mass Intentions of Anita Lupton (K&LW)

Thursday 22
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9am Mass Thomas Walsh, RIP (MC)

Friday 23
St Rose of Lima, V
12Noon Mass Ian Spacie, RIP (VS)

Saturday 24
St Bartholomew, Ap
10am Mass Sean MacCarthy, RIP (F&JO’B)
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

5.30pm Vigil Kathleen & Peter Sheridan, RIP (AMcN)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 25 August
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Eugene & James Renehan, RIP (Anniv) (MH)
9.30am Mass Margaret Owens, RIP (Anniv) (SO)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

We Pray for the Dead on their Anniversaries

Canon Peter Prendergast, Canon Vincent Hurley, Fr Andrew Hurley, Fr George Gresley, Fr Sean Sheils, Canon Vincent Cameron, Fr Arthur Ryan, Annie Gallacher, John Walmsley, Margaret McFarlane, John Power, Marjorie Hook, Edwin Martin, Catherine McGowan, Noreen Selet, Edward Chavner, Charles Roots, Mary Theresa Johnson, Denise Gianelli, Valerie Huntley, Rocco Forgione, Agnes Harding, Diane Seebold, Edith Seymour, Mary Saegar, Rhoda Addecott, Doreen Spaul, Teresa Griffiths, Anne McCarthy, Ronald Abnett, Agnes Una Young, Eileen Shears, Christopher Poulain, Sadie Marlow, John Ryan, Valerie Griggs, Marian Hart, Dorothy Scott, Stephen McGough, Stephen Cornell & Margaret Acaster.

We pray for our sick

The Sick List is available on the website main menu, under Worship.

We pray for the sick of our parish

by the power of your Spirit
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
— Roman Missal: For relatives and friends

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

TONY DOWNEY, RIP who died on Wednesday, 24th July. His Funeral Service will take place on Monday, 19th August at 11am.

ROBERT DRESNER, RIP who died on Monday, 5th August. His Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday, 5th September at 11am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

MARY HENDERSON, RIP who died in Ireland last month. Her Requiem Mass will take place on Friday, 30th August at 9.30am followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

GY RAMPERSAUD, RIP who died on Tuesday, 6th August. His Funeral service will take place on Wednesday, 11th September at 1pm followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

Requiescant in pace