We Pray for the Dead on their Anniversaries

Cardinal John Carmel Heenan, Fr William Philpot, Deacon Norman Wiseman, Fr Michael Hopkins, Fr Henry Healy, Fr David Logue, Canon Edward Heery, Fr Harold Cahill, Fr Alfred Clements, Sophie Shapiro, Eileen Pearson, Ursula Turner, John Butler, Kathleen Wetton, Tom Atkinson, Jean-Marie Mahieu, Doris Kelly, Derik Wheeler, James Wood, Sheelagh Sheridan, Adele Petronius, Ethel Shepherd, Jean Buck, Muriel Matthews, Alex Adamson, Kathleen Lionet, Walter Wood, Daphne Sounes, Dympna Addecott, James Roberton, Joyce May Pycroft, Henry Hart & Thomas Gunsell.

We pray for our sick

The Sick List is available on the website main menu, under Worship.

We pray for the sick of our parish

by the power of your Spirit
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
— Roman Missal: For relatives and friends

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

PAUL WATTS, RIP who died on Friday, 11th October. His body will be received into the church on Wednesday, 13th November at 4.30pm and his Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday, 14th November at 12.30pm followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

MICHAEL MAPSON, RIP who died on Tuesday, 10th September. His Memorial Mass will take place on Friday 15th November 9.30am.

MARIE KHARAS, RIP who died on Wednesday, 16th October. Her Requiem Mass will take place on Wednesday, 20th November at 10.45am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

Requiescant in pace

November—Month of the Holy Souls

How to obtain a Plenary Indulgence for the Souls in Purgatory this November
Every year between 1–8 November the Church grants a plenary indulgence that can be applied only to the souls in purgatory. The faithful can receive this indulgence each of the eight days to apply to a particular soul — a parent, spouse, relative, friend, or anyone even unknown.

1) Pray At a Cemetery or in our Memorial Garden

The Church asks the faithful to visit a cemetery and pray for the deceased, even if only mentally. Some suggested prayers include the Prayer of St. Gertrude or the Eternal Rest prayer.

2) Go to Confession and receive Holy Communion

In order for one to obtain a plenary indulgence, whether it be for the poor souls or for oneself, the person must detach oneself from all sin. If the soul is not detached, a partial indulgence will be applied.

However, for the sick, elderly, homebound, or those who cannot go out due to coronavirus restrictions, they can “unite themselves spiritually to other members of the faithful.”

The Church encourages this prayer “before an image of Jesus or the Blessed Virgin Mary, reciting pious prayers for the deceased, for example, Lauds and Vespers of the Office of the Dead, the Marian Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, other prayers for the deceased dearest to the faithful, or occupy themselves in considered reading of one of the Gospel passages proposed by the liturgy of the deceased, or perform a work of mercy by offering to God the sorrows and hardships of their own lives.”

The individual must also have “the intention of complying as soon as possible,” to the three conditions (sacramental confession, holy communion, and praying for the Holy Father).

3) Pray for the Pope

The Church suggests that the faithful pray one ‘Our Father’ and one ‘Hail Mary’ for the Holy Father.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. Amen.

Holy Souls Box
During November we customarily keep the memories of our Beloved Dead in our prayers. Their names will be placed under the Altar by using one of the envelopes at the back of church (please add your Gift Aid number) and placing it in the box provided, including an offering if you can, for Holy Souls Masses. In this way, we present them to God in the Masses and Offices during this month of the Holy Souls.

Dates for your Diary

Monday, 4th November—Journey in Faith (RCIA) 8pm Parish Centre

Thursday 14th November—Annual Requiem Mass 7pm

Friday 22nd November—Sung Latin Requiem Mass 7pm

Thursday 28th-Saturday 30th November—Forty Hours’ Prayer

Friday 20th December—Sea of Voices Carol Service 7pm

Saturday 15th—Friday 21st March 2025—Parish Mission led by the Redemptorists

Saturdays 10th & 17th May 10.30am—First Holy Communion Masses

Sunday 1st June 2025—Visitation & Confirmation

Sunday 22nd June—Corpus Christi Procession 4pm

Monday 21st—Friday 25th July—Lourdes Pilgrimage

Monday 8th September Centenary of the Opening of our Church

OLOL Ladies Group

Our next Meeting will be be on Thursday 7th November from 10am in the Parish Centre. All ladies welcome for subs of just £1. 00 including refreshments. Please don’t forget donations for our popular Raffle.

Please come prepared for next week with your thinking caps on for another one of our great quizzes devised by our amazing quiz setter, Jan Lewis. The challenge is to have at least one Team that will beat the current Champions !! No pressure to join in just come along and enjoy the good company.    


This continues on Monday, 4th November and is specifically for those who are not Catholics but who are enquiring with a view to finding out more about the Catholic Faith and Reception into the Church. These evenings begin at 8pm, are held in the Newman Room of the Parish Centre (the door is beside the Memorial Garden) and usually last just over an hour. Names may be given in advance to Fr Kevin or the Parish Office.

Parish Christmas Bazaar - Sunday 24th November, 8.45am - 1.00pm

We are pleased to announce that our Annual Parish Bazaar is back once again and we need your help and generosity. If you have any unwanted gifts, toiletries, bottles, raffle prizes or bric-a-brac that you would like to donate, please leave them in the Old Baptistry.

If you would like to help on the Saturday to help set up, or on the Sunday, please contact us.

Sue Lawford—07816 141492
Angela Clements—07940 183452—email angelaclements47@gmail.com.


The Repository is open after Masses at the weekend and Parishioners are welcome to come and browse. We have a large selection  of cards for various occasions, plus some beautiful statues and Rosaries.

We will shortly have a small stock of the new CTS Sunday Missal and you are welcome to place your order in advance to avoid disappointment.  

Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Primary School

Learning Support Assistant - Early Years/Key Stage 1
31.25hrs per week term time only 8:30am - 3:15pm with an unpaid 30 min lunch break
Scale 3 Point 5  £23,500 f.t.e. - Actual salary £16,749

We are looking for a dedicated, talented and experienced practitioner to work as a Learning Support Assistant in our school and with our fabulous team.

Visits to the school are welcomed and encouraged. For more details please contact Mr. Parascandolo (Head Teacher) via the school office (01268 785741)
For an application form please visit the school website www.olorcps.net
Closing date: 4pm on Monday 11th November 2024
Interviews: w/c 18th November 2024
We reserve the right to call for interview and appoint prior to the closing date

The Brentwood Catholic Children's Society (BCCS) Christmas Craft and Gift Fair

This will be held at The Mill Hall Arts & Events Centre, Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh SS6 7ED on Sunday 3rd November from 10.30am - 4pm. There is free parking at the venue and admission is only £1.50 for adults and free for children under 14. There will be over 40 stalls selling many unique crafts, gifts and handmade fare so come along and pick up some early Christmas presents. BCCS will have its own stall selling donated gifts and crafts and there will be a fundraising raffle during the event. If you have any crafts, unopened gifts or homemade jams and chutneys you would like to donate to us and are able to drop off to our premises in Billericay, we would be delighted to receive them

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings of Year B
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 5

Saturday 26
St Cedd, Bp
10am Mass Roseleen Armstrong, RIP (Anniv) (JA)
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

5.30pm Vigil The People of the Parish
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 27 October
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Michael Mapson, RIP (RO’C)
9.30am Mass Tony Finn, RIP (JC)
11.30am Mass Loh Kum Ching, RIP (AJ)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 28
9am Mass The Watts Family (JL)

Tuesday 29
9am Mass John Butler, RIP (Anniv) (RB)

Wednesday 30
9am Mass Pauline Godfrey, RIP (MI)

Thursday 31
9am Mass Paul Watts, RIP (MR)

Friday 1 November

9am Mass Ints of Students and Staff of All Saints Catholic Church, Dagenham (AMcC)
12Noon Mass Ian Spacie, RIP (VS)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until 6.30pm Benediction

7pm Mass The People of the Parish

Saturday 2
10am Mass Holy Souls
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

12Noon Mass Marie Hale RIP

5.30pm Vigil Maria Keen, RIP (DL)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Sunday 3 November
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Deceased Members of the Wall and Rockell Families (K&LW)
11.30am Mass Deceased Members of the Siani Family (RB)

4.00pm Mass Holy Souls
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

We Pray for the Dead on their Anniversaries

Fr George Steadman, Fr Stephen Wyatt, Fr William Loveland, Canon Thomas Bishop, Canon Richard Gay, Jack North, Gilbert Blanch, Joan Sullivan, Karin Chipperfield, Yvonne Ashwell-Rivens, Gwendoline Greiner, Patrick Landers, Maureen Coghlan, Helen Williams, Noel Hayter, Maureen Gooding, Stanley Watson, John Butler, Olivia Chesney, Alice Conway, Joyce Jones, Helen Lesley, Doris Payne, Mary Russell, Pauline Godfrey, William Upsher, Walter Kilman, Edward Hullett, Margaret Convey, Anna Hinbest, Djanet Cheshire, Patricia Bower, Mary Elizabeth Peomore, Eileen Clark, Philip Modica, Mick Burke, Andrew Mitchelmore & Marie Hale.

We pray for our sick

The Sick List is available on the website main menu, under Worship.

We pray for the sick of our parish

by the power of your Spirit
you have filled the hearts of your faithful people
with gifts of love for one another.
Hear the prayers we offer for our relatives and friends.
Give them health of mind and body
that they may do your will with perfect love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
— Roman Missal: For relatives and friends

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

PAUL WATTS, RIP who died on Friday, 11th October. His body will be received into the church on Wednesday, 13th November at 4.30pm and his Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday, 14th November at 12.30pm followed by committal at Sutton Road Cemetery.

MICHAEL MAPSON, RIP who died on Tuesday, 10th September. His Memorial Mass will take place on Friday 15th November 9.30am.

MARIE KHARAS, RIP. Funeral arrangements to follow.

Requiescant in pace