Thursday 13th March
Fr Kevin Hale, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Lourdes, Leigh-on-Sea
Blessed Pope John XXIII
Thursday 20th March
Fr Gerard Skinner, Parish Priest, St Francis of Assisi, Notting Hill
Our Glorious English Martyrs
Thursday 27th March
Fr Terry Martin, Vocations Director, Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
Blessed Pope John Paul II
Thursday 3rd April
Fr John Udris, Spiritual Director, St Mary’s Seminary, Oscott
The Cause of G K Chesterton
Each evening begins at 8.00pm and includes a talk/meditation followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Office of Night Prayer and Benediction.
Priests will be available for Confession each evening
There will also be refreshments afterwards in the hall with a bookstall.