Fifteenth Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

The parable of The Sower in the Gospel of this Sunday is a reminder to us of what can happen if we not consistent in the things of God.  So, we must learn, and ask for, fortitude in the living of our Christian vocation.  Many of us start-out with good intentions, the right motives, and a desire to do something for God; not everyone accomplishes what they promised.  The seed scattered across the ground gives hope that something will grow and mature.  If the conditions are not right, the seed will not flourish.  So with us; if we do not have consistency, perseverance, single-mindedness, generosity and good will, then whatever good intentions we have will come to nothing.  We must pray daily to the Divine Sower that, we will be faithful to what we have promised and so produce the fruits of the supernatural life.

This Sunday evening is the occasion of our Annual Parish Meeting and Garden Party.  It hardly seems possible that it was one year ago that the Foundation Stone of the Parish Centre was laid on that same occasion.  This event each year provides the opportunity for us to celebrate the life of our Parish Family together and also express gratitude to all those who work so tirelessly in the day-to-day workings of the Parish.  Do please try to come along, even for a short while, to celebrate together all that we have achieved together over the last year.  There is a short meeting beginning at six o’clock in the Saint Clement Room followed by the social evening.

God bless you all!
Fr Kevin Hale