Dear friends in Christ
This Sunday’s liturgy speaks to us in very beautiful allegories about God’s love for His people and their failure to respond. This is the constant message we read and hear in the history of salvation: God loves and calls us to be His own, but often our response is so fickle, so slow. Each day is an opportunity for us to give God the good fruits of lives lived in reciprocal love.
We welcome this weekend Mr David Black from Aid to the Church in Need who is making our annual Mission Appeal. We have heard before about the vital work and relief this Charity gives to our suffering brothers and sisters in the Faith. Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation of the Catholic Church, supporting the Catholic faithful and other Christians where they are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. It’s objectives are to advance the Christian religion by supporting and promoting the Church, especially in countries where Christians are suffering persecution or discrimination; to further the other charitable work of the Church by providing practical assistance and pastoral care for persons in need, especially those who are living in, or are refugees from, such countries. Each year Aid to the Church in Need makes grants to help fund around 5,000 projects, primarily in the following areas: provision of catechetical material and books; broadcasting the Faith; help with church buildings; support for the training of seminarians; grants for the formation of religious and catechists; subsidies for priests through grants and Mass stipends; emergency aid to refugees; provision of transport for those involved in the Church’s mission. I know you will respond to this Appeal with your usual assurance of prayer and practical assistance. God bless you!
Fr Kevin Hale