First Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends in christ

Lent begins each year with the account of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. We enter these Forty Days spiritually with Him, seeking inner purification and conversion. Each of us has need of this process as does the whole Church at this time. However, holiness begins with each of us individually and resolutely turning again toward The Lord. The way we do this is personal, but because we are members of Christ’s Body, the Church, it is also achieved as a family. May each of us live these days of grace with the realisation that we are children of God, Who calls us into deeper relationship with Him here and now, by prayer, fasting and works of mercy.

Each Lent those who are preparing for the reception of the Sacraments for the first time at Easter intensify their preparation. Please pray for the three from our own Parish who will enter into the fullness of the life of the Church later this year; this Sunday afternoon in the Cathedral, they will join with other candidates from around the Diocese as they are presented during a special liturgy to our Bishop.

One of the initiatives that we launch this Lent is a process for evangelisation. You will find more details about this further on in this Newsletter and on this Tuesday, 20th February, there will be an initial meeting to discuss how we can move forward with this exciting plan which is emerging from the Stewards of the Gospel initiative. The proposals published in the recent discussion document on future planning are leading us to make concrete attempts to put into operation ways of becoming better dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ, and to learn ways by which we can bring this about within our own area.  I urge you to come and see! 

God bless us all as we begin this holy season of prayer and purification which will culminate in Holy Week and Easter!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at