Dear Friends in Christ
We are in the days between the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven and Pentecost; days which are traditionally the Novena to God the Holy Spirit. Forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus returns to Heaven and prepares the Church for the sending of the Great Comforter. We pray during these days of Novena for the Church here on earth; that we may be faithful to the final injunction of Our Lord: proclaim the Gospel to the whole world. This is the core and essence for evangelisation: to tell the world - every human being - about the Person of Jesus Christ.These are the final days also, in the preparation of our young people who will receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation on Pentecost Day. I know you will pray for them, their Sponsors, and their families and Catechists who have all been involved in their formation and preparation.
Every age is, and has been, a good age to be a member of the Church, because Christ is with His Church always, until the end of time. Our own times present very special challenges, but no more so than our forebears also experienced. We look to those who have gone before us, gain from their experience, and from those who are already in Heaven, seek their intercession. The sign of the Holy Spirit in the Church today, is our presence and membership of that same Body of Christ, and Her continued existence. We pray earnestly in these days: Veni Sancte Spiritus…come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts, and renew the face of the earth!
God bless you.
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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