Dear Friends in christ
The first Sunday of the New Year is the twelfth day of Christmas and celebrates the Epiphany: the moment that Christ is shown to the world when the Magi visit Bethlehem. This is a beautiful moment because after their long journey, the Wise Men are rewarded for their endurance and faith by seeing the salvation of the world. They let that star - a symbol of faith - lead them to the house where Mary shows Jesus to them and through them to the world. We can truly repeat with great faith on this Day: Venite adoremus…come let us adore Him!
This first Newsletter of 2019 gives me the opportunity to say thank you for the many greetings, cards, gifts and Christmas Offerings that you have given me. This Christmas-time is always a moment when I feel very humbled by the level of appreciation that is shown to me personally. I am hugely grateful for the great level of collaboration that exists in the various facets of Parish life and which, at this time of year, make for a truly beautiful, worthy and joyful celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for what you do. Above all, however, the support of prayers is what is most precious to me, and I am heartened by the assurance of these prayers that so many continue to offer me.
I wish you all every great joy and blessing for 2019!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at