Dear friends in Christ
We are entering what would normally be the Summer holiday season: our Schools have closed for their break and those who are fortunate enough, may be escaping to a holiday destination. This week would normally be our Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage but like everything else in life at the moment, it has been postponed. At least we may be able to spend these weeks in relative calm at home, enjoying the environment of where we are fortunate enough to be living.
The Gospels of these current Sundays are the parables which Saint Matthew has recorded about the Kingdom of God. Jesus teaches us in the manner of not only a great teacher but as the supreme teacher; and He uses not just abstract theological language which we can't relate to, but examples from everyday life, especially by using the parables which, like poems and songs, are multi-layered and inexhaustible in their meaning. The Kingdom of God is everything and, like the treasure hidden in the field or the pearl of great price, we must do everything we can to possess it. We already live within that Kingdom by our incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church, but this is only the anticipation of what we shall experience at the end of our lives. Let us continue to strive with every greater determination for our crown.
Our thanks to all those who have generously given of their time and effort to provide the stewarding at Masses and cleaning afterwards. We can think about introducing another Sunday morning Mass later in August if there are sufficient volunteers, so please sign-up on the website for helping and for booking places at Mass. It is crucial that we all observe the Guidelines for attending Mass which includes keeping a safe distance and not gathering outside church after Mass. Please look-out for those who have no internet connection and who may be feeling isolated in these days and may need help booking and coming to Mass.
On this coming Saturday, 1st August, Paschal Uche will be ordained a priest for our Diocese in Brentwood Cathedral. As with all ceremonies during this period, it will be a quiet affair with only immediate family attending. Nevertheless it is the Sacrament that is paramount and he asks our prayers as he receives priestly consecration. He has been appointed Assistant Priest in the Parish of Colchester.
God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale