Dear friends in Christ
With the feast of Our Lord’s Baptism this weekend the Christmas season is brought to completion, although liturgically it continues until 2nd February: The Presentation—Candlemas—and the Purification of Our Lady. Jesus—perfect God and perfect Man—did not need to be baptised. The Fathers of the Church teach us that Jesus underwent this ritual as a sign of his humility and submission and also by entering the waters of the Jordan, to make holy for all time, water that will be used for the sacrament of Baptism.
The Baptism which St John gave was a sign of conversion and repentance; the sacrament of Baptism which is instituted by Christ is the commencement of divine filiation. By being Baptised, every one of us who emerges from the font, has been made a child of God. There is nothing greater that we can ever say. Recognition of the reality that we are sons and daughters of God is a gift. It is not readily apparent, and we need to pray for this gift and use our own efforts to call it to mind frequently. Otherwise our tendency is to forget this reality and live as if we were not children of God. Then we may become needlessly depressed, have a sense of being overwhelmed by the cares of daily life and problems that arise, lack apostolic zeal, feel lonely, and find ourselves seeking satisfaction from human relationships or goods that only our faith can really provide. When that happens, it’s time to begin again. If we find our spiritual edifice is tottering, or if everything seems to be up in the air, we lean on filial confidence in Jesus and Mary; it’s the firm and steady rock on which we base every facet of our lives. Give thanks on this day for the grace of Baptism: for our parents who brought us to the font and for our godparents who helped sustain us in the Faith of Christ.
There is one positive element to this latest lockdown: at the time of writing this, we are being allowed to keep our churches open for communal worship. Please continue to reserve a place online and let us be assiduous in the way we observe the protocols which maintain the church as a Covid-safe environment. So, please sanitise hands upon entering and leaving church; wear a face covering, keep a safe distance apart (2 metres), do not touch objects in the church, do not stay at the votive candle stands together and please do not congregate inside or outside of church.
We remember our Schools, and all who work and learn in them at this time; that they may not lose heart but work as best they can given the circumstances. Similarly we pray for all those whose work has been disrupted or threatened by the pandemic. Through the intercession of St Joseph, may we receive some comfort and help.
May God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale