Catholic Truth Society - Get a Sunday Missal for £1.99

To support the faithful during the pandemic the CTS new Sunday Missal is now only £1.99. During this difficult time, if you are unable to get to Mass, or you don’t have a missal for the current liturgical year, we want to let you know that we have discounted The CTS New Sunday Missal 2021 to just £1.99

If you know anyone who is shielding and unable to get to mass they can get copies sent directly to them. Either follow this link Get a Sunday Missal for £1.99 or go to the CTS website at

Also on offer: The CTS Calendar - Now £1

Beautiful wall calendar with a calendar grid marking out the feasts and seasons of the Catholic calendar, a Scripture reference for the Sunday Gospel, and Pope Francis’s prayer intentions for each month.

We know the year ahead may look challenging, so it is more important than ever that everyone can find the support they need in our unchanging God.

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