First Communion: Session 2

Chapter 3: Jesus is God’s Son

Key Questions

  • Who is Jesus? Jesus is God’s only Son who was born a man to save us.

  • Who is Mary? Mary is the Mother of God, chosen to give birth to God the Son, Jesus

Activities for children

Read page 10 together: Jesus is God’s Son

Complete activities on page 11

Chapter 4: Being Baptised

Introduction for parents

Key Questions

  • What is Baptism? Baptism is an action taken by God in which he washes away Original Sin, gives us new life and makes us His children. It is the first sacrament.

  • What are the other sacraments? There are seven sacraments:

    1. Baptism

    2. Confession/Reconciliation

    3. Holy Communion

    4. Confirmation

    5. Marriage

    6. Ordination (Holy Orders)

    7. Anointing of the sick

Being Baptised

When we are baptised we become part of the Catholic Church. God’s Holy Spirit comes down on us like He did at the baptism of Jesus.

The water shows us that God is cleansing us from ‘sin’ and giving us his loving help to make us grow, like a plant being watered.

This “loving help” is called grace.

Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan.

When we are baptised we become part of God’s family.

Water is used in baptism to show that God is washing away our sin. Plants will die if they are not watered, and we need the water of baptism to give our souls new life. Baptism is the first sacrament.


Activities for children

  • Read page 12 together: Being Baptised

  • Watch The Baptism of Jesus

  • Complete the activities on page 13


Chapter 5: Jesus Calls People to Follow Him

Introduction for parents

Key Questions

  • What is a disciple? A disciple is someone who is baptised and follows Jesus

  • What is a priest? A priest is a man chosen and ordained to serve God’s people

  • What is the Church? The Church is God’s people

  • What does Catholic mean? Catholic means universal—that is “found everywhere” and “for everybody”

We are Jesus’ disciples just like the disciples during His time on earth.

The twelve apostles travelled with Jesus and helped Him to teach others. He sent them out to take His message to all the world.

The apostles carried out Jesus’ work when He went away. They taught and preached, they baptised people and forgave sins. They made sick people better and said Mass. They were the first priests and bishops.

The Catholic Church goes back to the apostles and carries on Jesus’ work today.

Priests do Jesus’ work in a special way like the twelve apostles did. Only they can forgive sins in confession and say Mass.

Some priests have the work of ruling and guiding the Church; we called them Bishops. Our bishop is called Bishop Alan.

The most important bishop is the Pope. He is the bishop of Rome and the head of the whole Catholic Church. St. Peter, one of the apostles, was the first Pope. Our Pope is Pope Francis.

In the New Testament St. Matthew tells us: Jesus drew near and said to them “I have been given all authority in heaven and in earth. Go then to all people’s everywhere and make them my disciples; baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of time”.

Jesus said to Peter (Our first Pope) “You are the rock and in this rock I will build my Church”.


Activities for children

  • Read page 14 together: Jesus Calls People to Follow Him

  • Complete the To Do activity on page 15

  • Prayer to say with family:

Our Father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.