Incoming: Allegro—Starling Goodwin (1713-1774)
Outgoing: Basse de Trompette—Gilles Jullien (1650-1703)
Responsorial Psalm
Incoming: Allegro—Starling Goodwin (1713-1774)
Outgoing: Basse de Trompette—Gilles Jullien (1650-1703)
Responsorial Psalm
Monday 22nd—Friday 26th July 2024—Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Saturday 15th—Friday 21st March 2025—Parish Mission led by the Redemptorists
The books containing the Scripture Readings at Mass have been revised in translation. We shall now be using the English Standard Version—Catholic Edition of the Bible and the Abbey Psalter for the Psalms. These translations will bring us to a more faithful rendering of the texts. The new Lectionary has been produced to a very high standard as being worthy of the Word of God and the Sacred Liturgy, and this is reflected in the price tag! The four volume Lectionary which will be used at Mass costs £695. The Book of the Gospels (decorated Processional Edition) which will be used in Solemn Masses, is £395. If anyone would like to donate these books it would be much appreciated, and they could be given in memory of someone, or from a family, and they would be inscribed inside accordingly.
The Mass books used in the church will also have to be updated. However, we propose to order a reduced number of these since many of us when coming to Mass use a Missal, portable device or a copy of Magnificat as a liturgical aid. Copies of the new People's Missal will be available in due course from The Catholic Truth Society.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the 200 Club this year. The results of the May draw are as follows:
1st Prize £150 53 Mrs C O’Brien
2nd Prize £100 163 Mr K Wall
3rd Prize £75 155 Mrs I Ryan
4th Prize £25 74 Mr Michael O’Brien
There has been a significant drop in members over the past few months. Would you consider taking part in the 200 Club? The subscription is £5 per month, either by cash, cheque or direct debit. If you would like to join, please fill in a form which can be found at the back of the church or ring Linda Wall on 01702 558217.
Apologies, but sadly Fairtrade has been forced to cancel its proposed sale this weekend due to the illness of Gina who runs the stall. We hope to resume in September.
Thank you all for your support over the past few months.
Apologies again.
Live Simply Group
This coming Saturday, 13th July, is the occasion of the Annual Mass for Marriage and Family Life which will be celebrated by the Bishop in Brentwood Cathedral at 3pm. About half-a-dozen couples from our Parish will attend who have a significant Anniversary this year. Please pray for them and give thanks to God for the witness of the Family in these times when this witness is ever more powerful.
You can follow this link to some reflections on Marriage and Family Life which might provide a timely Summer reflection:
I have received the Summer 2024 edition of he Missio. If you have not received one personally from me please take one from the back of the Church (on the ledge at the back usual place). If anyone has a box needing emptying please give to me or leave in the Office and I will pick it up. Please don't to forget to take your boxes back from the back of the Church after.
Thank you.
Joan Caunce, Secretary, 01268 757505.
We are in desperate need of a second minibus in order to support our students to train at offsite sporting facilities due to our lack of onsite space. We are fundraising internally at the school and through the great work of our PTFA but we are now reaching out to past students and friends of St Bernard’s to ask for kind donations of any amount to support us in this endeavour.
If you are available to support this fundraiser, please click on the below QR code:
We have cards for all those special occasions so please browse and come early to avoid disappointment . One of the volunteers are happy to help if you do not see what you are looking for. We also have a selection of Statues and Rosaries, plus a few new books for children.
Please note that the Repository is only open after all Masses at the weekends.
The Mayor’s Nominated Charity for 2022/23 is St Vincent’s Centre Southend and there are various upcoming events. Your participation would make a huge difference where all proceeds will go towards restocking their food bank.
Dinner & Auction - Saturday 16th November - Roslin Beach Hotel. Ticket Price £95.00 inc. welcome drink, 3 course dinner, live music & charity auction.
Phone: 07549 128877 or Email: for further details.
Are you looking for a Nursery for your 2 to 4 year old?
Contact us to look around our learning environment! 01702475689
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School is located in Leigh's heart along Manchester Drive, a short walk from the London Road.
Our welcoming community school is perfect for children starting Nursery in 2024.
We're proud of our family feel, which spans generations, and our vast grounds for children to play.
Excelling in music, sport, science, and a balanced curriculum, we're the ideal place for your child to flourish.
Thinking about your child as they grow, our children transition easily and happily into our Reception classes. Our children achieve well in KS2, with many children moving on to the Catholic secondary schools.
Morning Events: 10.00am-1.00pm The Emmanuel Centre, SW1P 3DW
In the morning of March for Life we will be hosting a ‘Pro-life Health Summit’ 10.30-12.30 in The Emmanuel Centre where a variety of healthcare specialists will be looking in greater detail at our theme ‘Abortion isn’t Healthcare’.
Mass: 11.00am St George’s Cathedral, Southwark
The March: 1.30pm From The Emmanuel Centre
Ends at Parliament Square 4.30pm.
Contact: Isabel 07773 501721 or Ben 07885 505116 or
St Bernard’s High School, A Catholic Academy for Arts and Science
Open Evening for Year 5 Students(Starting Year 7 in September 2025)
Thursday 11 July 2024—5.30pm to 8.30pm
We would be delighted to welcome Year 5 girls and their parents/carers to our Open Evening. This is an evening for girls wishing to join Year 7 in September 2025.
We are also offering an opportunity for parents/carers to visit the school during a normal teaching day, between 9.30am and 11.00am on set days in October, dates will be published on our website. Appointments for these guided tours will be available in September.
St Bernard’s High School offers selective places based on success in the CSSE
selective tests and non-selective places according to faith-based admissions criteria. (Please see school website for full details.)
‘St Bernard’s High School is a welcoming, inclusive school’. Ofsted 2023
‘Leaders have high expectations of pupils in terms of learning and behaviour. Pupils live up to these expectations.’ Ofsted 2023
‘The behaviour of students is exemplary both in lessons and throughout the school as they strive to live out the mission statement, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’. (Diocesan Inspection, 2024)
‘Behaviour for learning is outstanding, fostered through extremely positive teacher-student relationships’. (Diocesan Inspection, 2024)
Milton Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex SS0 7JS. Tel: 01702 343583
Readings of Year B
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 4
Saturday 29
Saturday Memorial of the BVM
5.30pm Vigil Mass Intentions of Michael Tisi (MTLB)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession
Sunday 30 June
SS PETER AND PAUL, App - Holyday of Obligation
8am Mass Caroline Geoghegan, RIP (PG)
9.30am Mass Patrick Clarke, RIP (Anniv) (IR)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 1 July
St Oliver Plunket, Bp, M
9am Mass Kevin McGrath, RIP (MW)
Tuesday 2
9am Mass Intentions of Tabitha McGarry(MR)
Wednesday 3
St Thomas, Ap
9.30am Mass Frank Clancy, RIP (Anniv) (JL)
Our Lady of Lourdes Leavers Mass
Thursday 4
St Elizabeth of Portugal
9am Mass Cliff & Gina Sweetenham (Diamond Wedding Anniv) (CS)
Friday 5—First Friday
St Antony Mary Zaccaria, Pr
12 Noon Mass Steve Nortney, RIP (AT)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until Holy Hour 7—8pm
Saturday 6
St Maria Goretti, V, M
10am Mass Lucille Tarrobal RIP & Violet Gray ,RIP
10.30-11am Confessions; NO Exposition—Flower Festival
5.30pm Vigil Mass The People of the Parish
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession
Sunday 7 July
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Winifred Gover ,RIP
9.30am Mass Carol Lawson, RIP (Anniv) (SF)
11.30am Mass Eleanor Greatly, RIP (AS)
4pm Mass Caroline Geoghegan, RIP (CB)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Fr James Edward Littleton, Fr Patrick Curran, Fr Patrick Carthy, Canon Thomas Barrett, Fr Bill Brown, Benita Skelton, Patrick Clarke, Jim Robinson, Albert Nichols, Marguerite Cave, John Lloyd, John Kidney, Frank Clancy, Gustave Rombaut, Lionel Conway, Paul Stewart King, Josephine Studd, Julie Quail, Iris Bell, Harriet Thompson, Reginald Brierley, Joan Wiltshire, Alfred Edwards, Mirian Jackson, Kathleen Ford, Gertrude Bridges, Elsie Asher, Edmund Gdembiewski, Frances Littlewood, Marie Louise Clements, Alfred Johnson, Jennifer Lyons, Joseph Bond, Dorothy Blaker, Ronald Albert Conner & Niqui Denkmayer.
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for Mick Stevens, RIP.
THOMASINA McVAY HILL (Nina) who died 19th June. Her Requiem mass will take place on Thursday, 11th July at 10am, followed by committal at Southend Cemetery.
FR BRIAN McGILLOWAY who died recently.
Requiescant in pace